Combining Vision and X-Ray Technology for Inspections

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Is your company relying solely on a vision system to perform inspections? Or does your business depend exclusively on an x-ray system to inspect its products?

Either way, you’re missing out on the opportunity to carry out more thorough inspections by combining vision and x-ray technology into one comprehensive, integrated system. Conducting multi-sensor inspections gives consumers more confidence in your company’s products by mitigating the risks of unwanted contamination.

Below, learn more about how combining vision and x-ray technology can help your company meet its quality assurance (QA) goals and ensure ongoing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Introduction to Integrated Vision and X-Ray Systems

For decades, companies in a wide range of industries have used vision and x-ray systems to ensure safety and quality compliance. They’ve tested these systems while inspecting everything from prepackaged foods and dairy products to prescription medications and cosmetics.

Some companies have also started combining vision and x-ray technology to improve their inspection processes in recent years. They’ve set up modular inspection systems capable of inspecting both the interiors and exteriors of products, allowing them to meet even the most stringent quality standards within their respective industries.

Advantages of Vision and X-Ray Technology During Inspections

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It’s easy to see why so many companies in various industries have relied on vision and x-ray technology for so long. They each provide unique benefits that make them essential to manufacturing and packaging processes, allowing companies to stand by any claims they make about their products.

Vision systems excel when it comes to inspecting the surfaces of products. They can be used to tackle tasks like label verification to ensure that labels have been placed on packaged products properly with the required information listed on them.

X-ray systems shine when companies inspect what lies just below the surface of product packaging. They let companies look inside products for accurate foreign body detection and to prevent products containing contaminants from reaching consumers. These systems can also highlight density inconsistencies to help companies comply with industry regulations and avoid shortchanging consumers.

How Vision and X-Ray Technology Work Together

Companies have traditionally installed separate vision and x-ray systems within their facilities. However, some have begun combining vision and x-ray technology to create more impactful systems that inspect products like never before for ultimate quality control.

Let’s use a company that specializes in manufacturing and bottling baby food as an example. Such a company could greatly benefit from combining vision and x-ray technology when investing in an inspection system for its facility.

The vision technology in this system will inspect the exterior of a jar of baby food to ensure it has a properly affixed label. It will also scrutinize what is on the label to guarantee that consumers have access to the accurate information they need when reading it.

Meanwhile, the system’s x-ray technology will inspect the interior of a baby food jar for signs of potential glass contamination. It will also analyze the density of the baby food in a bottle to ensure it doesn’t contain too much or too little food. Even the smallest mistake in any of these areas could lead to a lawsuit or worse.

This example illustrates how combining vision and x-ray technology will paint a much clearer picture of whether a product is ready to be sent to consumers. These technologies work together to elevate company inspections of their products to the next level and avoid worst-case scenarios.

Key Factors for Implementing Combined Systems

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By combining vision and x-ray technology into a combined system within your facility, your company can begin inspecting products more efficiently. You should, however, consider several key factors before implementing a combined system into your operation.

Here are the factors you should think about when choosing a combined system and installing it within your facility:

  • Calibration: How difficult will it be to keep up with calibrating a combined vision and x-ray system?
  • Compatibility: Will a combined vision and x-ray system be compatible with your products and the rest of the equipment in your facility?
  • Sensitivity: How sensitive would you like a combined vision and x-ray system to be when inspecting your company’s products?

When combining vision and x-ray technology, you must choose an integrated system that will enable these two types of technology to work seamlessly without encountering any major obstacles. Weighing the advantages against the investment should help you make an informed decision.

Industry Applications of Combined Vision and X-Ray Technology

Companies from an assortment of industries can benefit from combining vision and x-ray technology into combined systems. Here are just a few examples of industry-specific applications of combined vision and x-ray technology:

  • Food producers can inspect the packaging for their products along with the actual food it contains.
  • Pharmaceutical companies can inspect the labels on their bottles as well as the products inside them to make good on their promises.
  • Cosmetic brands can inspect the containers for their products, their labels, and the products themselves.

In each of these instances, companies can use combined vision and x-ray systems to analyze both the surface quality and possible internal contamination of products.

Benefits of Integrated Inspection Systems for Product Quality

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Combining vision and x-ray technology will require companies to invest in new equipment for their facilities. However, this is a small price to pay when considering all the possible benefits of integrated inspection systems for enhancing product quality.

Using combined vision and x-ray systems can reduce the number of recalls companies are forced to issue. These recalls often cost companies a lot of money and cause them to suffer reputational harm, which can be very difficult to recover from.

Investing in integrated inspection systems can also help companies ensure they comply with industry regulations. Hygiene compliance and other forms of compliance are important within many industries.

Above all else, integrated inspection systems allow companies to provide consistent quality control throughout their manufacturing and packaging processes. Your company will ultimately feel much better about the products it sends out into the world when you know it combines vision and x-ray technology to perform the most thorough inspections possible.

Leveraging Dual Technology for Enhanced Product Safety and Quality

Your company should always be 100% committed to product safety and quality. One of the best ways to maintain this commitment is to install a dual-technology integrated inspection system in your facility, combining vision and x-ray technology.

Schedule a consultation with TDI Packsys to discover more about our custom integration solutions that come suited to meet specific industry needs. Contact us at 877-834-6750 today to set one up.

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