Using X-Ray Technology for Low-Density Food Inspection

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Does your company specialize in producing, packaging, and shipping low-density foods to grocery stores, restaurants, and other establishments? If so, using x-ray technology in low-density food inspection processes should be second nature for your company and its employees.

Many low-density foods present problems when it’s time to conduct contaminant detection before they leave your facility. Discover how to make the most of x-ray technology during low-density food inspections and get the best results.

Using X-Ray Inspections for Low-Density Foods

Food and beverage companies have relied on x-ray technology to carry out low-density food inspections for decades. They’re able to look at the contrast and clarity after x-raying certain food items and pinpoint the potential presence of contaminants in them.

These companies often find that x-ray technology comes in handy when they need to inspect low-density food products, such as baked goods, cereals, and certain dairy products. It has become one of the most effective ways to find contaminants in these foods that might otherwise go undetected.

Understanding the Challenges of Low-Density Food Inspections

researcher inspect ing foods with microscope

In general, inspecting low-density foods is significantly more difficult than expecting foods with higher densities. Your company may face insurmountable challenges because of the limitations of traditional inspection methods.

The low contrast between contaminants and low-density foods can sometimes make it difficult to uncover contamination. This is why your company should rely on x-ray technology in low-density food inspection processes.

X-ray technology is capable of detecting density variations in low-density foods. This enables it to shine a light on any contaminants that might be hiding inside these foods, including small pieces of plastic, rubber, glass, and even bones.

Why X-Ray Technology Is Ideal for Inspecting Low-Density Foods

If your company doesn’t prioritize inspecting low-density foods before sending them out your front door, you may have to recall certain food items if contaminants are ever found in them. Using x-ray technology in low-density food inspection processes is the ideal solution to this problem.

More specifically, your company should consider investing in dual-energy x-ray equipment, which is perfect for picking up very small, low-density contaminants sometimes found in foods. This equipment will use a combination of dual generators and detectors designed to use multiple-spectrum x-ray energy to detect contaminants that might fly under the radar during other types of inspections.

The chances of contaminants working their way into low-density foods are relatively low, but all it takes is one tiny piece of plastic, rubber, glass, or bone to hurt your company’s reputation for years. By turning to x-ray technology for low-density food inspections, you can reduce contamination risks and let consumers see your brand in the best possible light.

Key Factors in X-Ray System Performance for Low-Density Foods

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When your company invests in a system that uses x-ray technology in low-density food inspection processes, several key factors will play a part in how effectively it performs. You can ensure accurate contamination detection in low-density foods by fine-tuning your system to meet your facility’s needs.

Calibrating an x-ray system is one of the first steps you should take to boost its performance. Allow your x-ray system to handle different density variations by conducting the right calibration procedures. Increase or decrease the sensitivity of your system to take full advantage of x-ray technology for low-density food inspections.

Using image processing algorithms, you can also get around any resolution issues you might face when inspecting low-density foods with x-ray technology. Special programs will take the scans that x-ray systems provide and process them further to make it easier to see contaminants.

You might even be able to implement machine learning applications into an x-ray system to take your contamination detection efforts to the next level. Under normal circumstances, your company’s employees will need to look at x-rays of low-density foods and try to spot contaminants on their own, but this won’t be necessary when you have access to machine-learning applications.

These applications have become so advanced that many of them pick up on contaminants that might not be obvious to the naked eye. As these applications improve and artificial intelligence grows in popularity among food packaging companies, this could become a much bigger part of using x-ray technology in low-density food inspection processes.

Practical Benefits of X-Ray Technology in Low-Density Food Inspection Processes

To embrace x-ray technology in low-density food inspection processes, your company will likely need to make a large investment in the right x-ray system. You might wonder whether it’s worth doing this. The answer is a resounding “yes,” but it’s important to understand why.

The practical benefits that come along with utilizing x-ray technology for low-density food inspections should outweigh any cost concerns you might have. Here are the benefits you can expect to receive when you have an x-ray system in your food packaging facility:

  • Reduced contamination risks
  • Increased compliance with regulatory standards
  • Enhanced consumer trust
  • Improved company reputation

Maintaining the safety of the food your company sells should be at the top of your to-do list. Therefore, it’s in your best interest to preach about the importance of food safety to your employees early and often. You should also invest in equipment like x-ray systems and machine learning applications to prevent contaminants from infecting your company’s products.

Leveraging X-Ray Technology for Superior Low-Density Food Safety

arranging meat in food production

X-ray technology has been around since the 1800s. However, it has finally become advanced enough to positively identify even the tiniest contaminants in food products, including plastic, rubber, glass, bone, and more. This is welcome news for any business with a production line.

Your company should incorporate modern-day x-ray technology in low-density food inspection processes to avoid allowing your products to reach consumers with contaminants in them. TDI Packsys will help strengthen your company’s commitment to food safety with our tailored x-ray solutions that optimize low-density food inspection processes.

Contact us at 877-834-6750 to discuss our x-ray systems that benefit those in the food packaging industry and how they might help your operation today.

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